I stumbled across recently published add in TOI which has been named as i-HOT ( Initiative of Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, India) which is a water heating service
As the website claims that it is the India's first and only metered water heating service where you pay a 5ps for a litre of HOT water + installation costs + refundable deposit which will be serviced untill 2030 . Not every minute that we benefit from new technology , lately as we notice there is a increase in solar heaters to conserve energy and save costs .
As said this is a revolutionary technology which is designed to ensure that you only pay for the hot water you use.
Here is the link
Well programmers are here with a Configurator here which helps you to calculate the installation cost and approximate hot water ( in Ltrs ) that would be consumed .
As everyone of us already understand the benefits of using the renewable energy, this system works exactly on the same concept .
Heating and air conditioning draw more than half of the energy that a home uses - Save Electricity Use Solar